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  • THE SCRIPTURES: In the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired by God, inerrant and complete.  As such, they are the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith, practice and life.  I further believe that the King James Version of 1611 is the absolute best and most reliable of all English speaking Bibles, perfectly conveying God’s Holy Word.


  • GOD ALMIGHTY: That God is One Person; eternally existing and manifesting Himself as The Eternal Father, the Sacrificial Son and the Life-Giving Holy Ghost.  These three are co-equal in all Divine attributes and powers.


  • JESUS CHRIST: That the Lord Jesus Christ, as God Himself, voluntarily chose to manifest Himself before men and entered this world via the virgin’s womb, Mary.  That He lived an impeccable life, fulfilled the whole Law, without sin, died a substitutionary death on the cross as the Lamb of God,  and physically arose from the dead in the same body wherewith He was slain.


  • THE HOLY SPIRIT: That the Holy Ghost/Spirit, as the third member of the Trinity, was sent by Jesus Christ to this earth during our present age in order that He may; be the imparter of the everlasting life purchased by the Blood of Jesus Christ, that He may bestow gifts to God’s children as He wills,  and that He may guide God’s sons and daughters in the paths of righteousness and truth.


  • GENESIS ACCOUNT OF CREATION: That the creation account as found in Genesis chapter one is to be accepted as literal, historical truth.  That God did, in six 24-hour days, create all things in both heaven and earth and that the account was never written nor intended to be interpreted as figurative, metaphorical or allegorical.  Further, I believe that on the sixth day, God did finish His creative acts by forming man from the dust of the ground and breathing into him the breath of life; making man, and by consequence woman, in His own image and likeness.  And that any concept of "macro-evolution" is a denial of God's Word and built upon assumptions and fantasy rather than science.


  • SALVATION: That salvation is the free gift of God, paid for by the precious Blood of Jesus, and offered to all men and women who will willingly respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and call upon the Name of the Lord.  That salvation is not based on human intellect, emotional feelings or upon a life  of good works.  Salvation cannot be earned, bought or achieved by higher life or consciousness.  It is freely given by Christ to those who recognize their own spiritual powerlessness and sinfulness, who realize they cannot save themselves and who are humble enough to seek God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary.


  • BAPTISM: That baptism is a part of the last commands of Jesus Christ.  To be administered by the local church’s authority upon those who have confessed Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  Performance thereof, as taught in the New Testament, is to be done as soon after salvation as possible, by the method of singular immersion in water; in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Further, water can never do what only the Blood of Christ can,(i.e. wash away sins), therefore, it is to be clearly understood that baptism does not complete salvation, it rather pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the believer’s desire to walk in newness of life with Him.


  • ETERNAL SECURITY: That once a person is saved, they are born again(from above), and cannot be unborn.  It is impossible for those who have been placed into a redeemed relationship with God Almighty through the Blood of Jesus, to ever fall out of that “relationship,” though wrong behavior on the part of a saved Christian may inhibit their day-to-day “fellowship” with the Lord.  When the Lord saves a soul, He saves them TO the uttermost and they are no longer appointed unto wrath.


  • THE CHURCH: That the Church of Jesus Christ is both local and prospective.  The New Testament word used, ekklesia, makes clear reference to a local, visible, assembled body of believers.  Only in      a prospective sense does Jesus ever mention the Church as the collective of ALL gathered and victorious believers; an assembly which has not yet been assembled,(Matthew 16/Hebrews 12).  Further, as a local New Testament church, it is the responsibility of believers to ordain leaders, baptize new converts by immersion, evangelize their community and the world simultaneously and  to consistently teach and preach the infallible Word of God.


  • PROPHECY: That God Almighty in His glorious wisdom, has chosen to pull back the curtain of time and reveal to us through His Word, certain events, circumstances and outcomes yet future, in order that readers/hearers may prepare their hearts and minds for what He has planned.  God has not revealed everything,(I Corinthians 2:9), but He has revealed all He intends to for now, and it is enough…so that men are without excuse.  Every prophecy disclosed in the Scriptures will be literally fulfilled; whether it applies to nations, Israel, the climate, society or mankind in general.


  • RESURRECTION and JUDGMENT: I believe in the coming physical resurrection of every man and woman.  The Bible clearly speaks of the resurrection of the “just” and the “unjust,” and teaches that these two resurrections will be separated by no less than 1007 years.  The Bible teaches that believers will be judged at the BEMA,(Judgment Seat of Christ), and that all unbelievers will be judged before the Great White Throne of Revelation chapter 20.  One topic that will not be discussed at either judgment will be salvation.  Those appearing before the bema are already saved and cannot  be lost.  Those appearing before the GWT are already lost and cannot be saved.  What follows these judgments is life and rule with Christ for the redeemed and eternal damnation for the lost.


  • THE RETURN OF CHRIST: Very soon, according to the Scriptures, God’s people are going to be called  to enter God’s “chambers” and there be protected from the wrath of God Almighty that will thereafter fall upon the “inhabitants of the earth,”(Isaiah 26:20,21).  That “hiding” is the event often called the Rapture of Christ’s Church.  This event of removing believers will take place prior to the start of the 70th Week of Daniel/Time of Jacob’s Trouble/The Indignation/Tribulation Period.  Once removed from the earth, Christians will be required to give an account of the conduct of their lives to Christ from  the date of their salvation, be invited to partake in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and finally, return to the earth with Christ at Armageddon to rule and reign with Him from Jerusalem.




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